Månad: juli 2015


Många arter är nästan lika vackra avblommade. man kan tänka sig hur alpängarna såg ut när alla dessa blommade. Many species are just as good looking when withered or decaying. The meadows were filled with these.

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Childhood dreams

Hiking in the Alps much reminds me of my youth. I have always loved walking – and when I was a child there were wild flowers everywhere – or so I seem to remember it. So, I lie down in this heavenly bed of flowers, […]

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Alpros – Rhododendron

The rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal, where the flower is also enjoyed for its sour taste. I do not know if it is eaten, put into sallads or pickled, in Switzerland, but when visiting the Alps we have always been too late…the rhododendron […]

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